Since you are reading this, you obviously are friends with Kerry or myself, so you know what an absolute blast we are. The boys in Sydney were pretty shaken up about not seeing us again, so after some convincing we decided to pay them another visit (that’s my version of course, if you ask them, it may seem a bit different). Our flight from Airlie to Sydney was our first flight that was actually uneventful, well sort of, I was once again searched for explosive devices. I am starting to get a bit offended, I mean what about me looks dangerous? I would say at first glance I am nothing but a sweet, docile American. We decided to be big girls this time and take public transportation back to Bondi. Surprisingly, we got there with no troubles at all. I will actually credit that to Kerry, because from what you have probably realized, my sense of direction is not particularly A-team material, but hey, you can’t have it all.
After dropping our bags off at the boys apartment, Kerry and I went to go explore the beach path that we had heard so much about. The path began in Bondi Beach and went along the coastline for a few kilometers. The path was beautiful and filled with people running and walking. We found ourselves on cliffs overlooking waves crashing into the rocks, watching surfers take on the big swells, and finally being convinced of the beauty that makes Bondi Beach Sydney’s most famous beach. On our way back we decided to sit on the beach for a little while just soaking in the scenery and watching the surfers do their thing. Cameron joined us once he got back from work and the three of us walked barefoot (because that’s how the locals do it) back to their apartment to freshen up for dinner.
Sweet Rocks On Our Walk |
Checkin Out The Cliffs |
Bondi Behind Us |
View of Bondi Beach |
Pools Created By The Ocean -- Awesome! |
The boys were treating us to dinner tonight, so we managed to rummage through our suitcases to find our “nice clothes”. I would say, despite the wrinkles in our clothes, we cleaned up pretty well for living out of a backpack. Justin was running late from work so Cameron, Kerry, and I headed down to the restaurant that overlooked Bondi Beach and had a spectacular view of the sunset. Once Justin arrived we all ordered dinner and were even graced by a guest appearance by Justin’s brother, Jared. This was a real treat for us, because Jared always seemed to mysteriously disappear when we came around. He always had great excuses, from work to rugby practice, but I was not entirely convinced. We stopped to get Golden Gaytimes for dessert and headed back to the apartment where we were so lucky to catch the tail-end of the awards ceremony for the riveting sport of cricket. (If you thought cricket was boring, imagine how much worse it is to watch an awards ceremony.) The boys went to bed pretty early, because they had to be ready for work in the morning, while Kerry and I attempted to organize our suitcases.
All Dressed Up For Dinner |
Sunset On Bondi Beach |
Great Dessert Courtesy Of Justin |
We were so happy that we were able to spend one more day with our new friends, and this time with great weather conditions. It seems weird that I just met all these guys, because I managed to get so close to them in such a short amount of time. I actually am glad that we had bad weather for our first few days in Sydney, because instead of doing the typical tourist sight-seeing, we were able to just hang out with the gang. Every single one of them were really great guys, and I know we are going to miss every one of them. Everything from Andy’s ability to woo us on a guitar, to Carter’s suave looks resembling Ryan Gosling, and of course our new best friends Cameron and Justin. All I can say is, I know why people plan to travel to Australia for a couple of weeks and then never return. Now it is all of their turns to pay us a visit in the States and for us to return the favor. Until next time FanBoise.
Thanks For Showing Us A Great Time In Sydney! |
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